Saturday, December 28, 2013

Am I Blue by Beth Henley

Comedic JuxtapositionIn Beth Henley?s play, Am I Blue, two main characters ar presented. The two characters, Ashbe and sewer Polk, exert diverse personality traits, which pioneer comedic situations to arise within the play. It is often the case in joke that two characters will present characters that obtain various bargon differences. Ashbe has an overtly eccentric personality while that of John Polk is comparatively soft and plain. From the moment the two become acquainted, amusement ensues overdue to their collocation and the situation in which they find each other. By analyzing both Ashbe and John Polk?s similarities and differences, the factors that create this comedy are found. Ashbe, a blatantly outspoken and unconventional sixteen family old is a girl of nonstop chitchat. She, in her spangled cat-eye glasses, feels free to say her opinion concerning whatever subject arises. Ashbe attends risque school and to her, having the serious friends means acceptance in no wadays?s world. However, she is alienated and considered an outcast worthy of being frustrate and ridiculed by the truly group by which she wishes to be accepted. Comparatively, John Polk is a faint and level headed seventeen year-old who attends college as a freshman where he is also in a brotherhood with his brother. Like Ashbe?s desire for acceptance, John wants to be acknowledge by his brotherhood brothers.
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However, he does not want to produce rejection for thinking or acting against the crowd and admits to Ashbe that his brother convinced(p) him to join the fraternity. In line of business to John?s conformity, Ashbe is a free spirited nice person who believes in expressing i ndividuality. Whether she is pose blue food! change in drinks, making newspaper publisher hats, or stringing Cheerios in concert to make a necklace, she expresses her individuality. By doing this, she attempts to furnish John how all-important(prenominal) it... If you want to get a sound essay, order it on our website:

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