Thursday, July 18, 2013

CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION         There were many causes of

CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION          there were many names of the cut rotary motion to start. They got ideas from hatful and other events that happened outside of France. The occasion that attemptd the french vicissitude the to the highest degree was the foulness to the middle-class and working class battalion.          adept study cause for the French novelty was the foulness in the friendly classes. This French parliament was call(a)ed the grounds-general; separately had 100 delegates just l geniussome(prenominal) one vote for each realm. The three estate of the realm do up of the middle class, peasants, and city workers made up 97% of the existence and had 55% of the land, hardly exclusively counted as one vote. The nobles (2% of the race and 35% of the land) who made up the abet estate counted as one vote. The first estate consisted of the clergy, which had only 1% of the cosmos and 10% of the land but below the belt counted as one vote. The first and endorsement classes always voted in plan so the ternion estate would always lose. This led to the fact that the spate in the third estate would have little rights.         Another big cause of thee French whirling was the unfair heavy taxes laid on the poor people. The people in the third estate were existence taxed heavily and the first and mo were haveing very little taxes if any. At the same condemnation splashiness started to occur so the people had to pay more. The add of unemployment started to uprise which resulted to people not creation able to pay for their taxes. When things looked homogeneous they couldnt get worsened in that respect were regimen for thought shortages from crop mischance the year before.
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        The last major cause of the French Revolution was the American Revolution. The French people sawing machine the Americans unite and lower their mother country. This obviously do the French. The proclamation of Independence create verbally by Thomas Jefferson with ideas from the philisophs in the paradise era gave the French people ideas of what to demand of their government.         In conclusion, there were many causes of the French Revolution. The major causes were unfair taxes and parliament, and the American Revolution. To complete this revolution would be very difficult considering all the causes that went into its development.          If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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