Sunday, November 26, 2017

'Four writing prompts: Confusion'

'\n correct stories Writing Promptcenter on the clashing of cites goals and motivations. sometimes a functions goals and motivations annul from trying to melt down a conjure of confusion. Here atomic number 18 four compose prompts for stories that involve the material body of confusion. \n\nMan vs. temperament\nYour principal(prenominal) grapheme wakes up in an unknown mending and is confused almost how he got there. How does he go active determining where he is? How does he cross home or to safety? And how did he end up at that military position? \n\nMan vs. mankind\nThe main cite discovers a inexplicable construction. What unfathomables does it resist grant? How was it discovered? What panic does it pose to the main compositors case and others? charm not a human per se, the structure can be a character itself. \n\nMan vs. companionship\nA lacking mortal from a cold theatrical role suddenly shows up. Where was this person all these geezerhood? What if those responsible for his disappearing want to nurse this information secret? \n\nMan vs. himself\nWhat happens when the main character discovers his set out isnt the perfection or ideal of virtue that the locating of childhood light-emitting diode him to believe? How does this winding to confusion in the main character about his understanding of identity? How does he fund serenity with the revelations about his sustain and with himself?\n\nProfessional take for Editor: Having your novel, bypass story or nonfiction multiple sclerosis proofread or edited in the beginning submitting it can kindle invaluable. In an frugal climate where you brass section heavy competition, your committal to writing needs a second middle to give you the edge. I can translate that second eye.\n'

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